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Tips For Successful Furniture Refinishing Projects

Furniture refinishing is a great way to save money when updating the look of your home. It can also be a rewarding project that you can do on your own. However, if you don't take the proper steps, you can end up with a haphazard result. Here are some tips to help ensure that your furniture refinishing projects are successful.

1. Prepare the Furniture: Before beginning your furniture refinishing project, it's important to thoroughly clean and inspect the piece. Remove any dirt, grime, and old finishes with a soft cloth, vacuum, or wood stripper. Check for any cracks, scratches, or other damage that may need to be repaired.

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2. Select the Right Stain: The right stain will make all the difference in the end result. Choose a stain that is appropriate for the type of wood and the desired color. Test the stain on an inconspicuous area of the furniture to make sure you like the color.

3. Sand Carefully: Before staining, the furniture must be sanded to ensure an even finish. Start with a coarse grit sandpaper and work up to a finer one. Make sure to sand with the grain of the wood for best results.

4. Apply the Stain: Apply the stain in thin coats and make sure to wipe off any excess. Allow the stain to dry completely before applying a protective finish.

5. Choose the Right Protective Finish: Choose a finish that is appropriate for the type of wood and the desired look. Varnish, shellac, and lacquer are all popular finishes. Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for application.

6. Be Patient: Allow the finish to dry completely before handling the furniture. This can take several days, so be patient and let the finish cure completely before using the furniture.