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The Different Types of Web Designs in Melbourne

There are many different types of web designs, catering to a variety of needs and purposes. Some web designs are purely aesthetic, while others are designed with a specific purpose in mind, such as e-commerce stores or blogs. Here are some of the most common types of Website Designs:

1. Basic Web Design

This type of design is typically aimed at novice users who don't need anything fancy but just want a website that looks good and works well. This style can be achieved with little or no programming, making it perfect for small businesses and non-technical users.

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2. Creative Web Design

This type of design is more complex than basic web design and often incorporates features such as animation and video that can really bring your website to life. It can be more expensive to purchase but can also be more efficient in terms of delivering the desired results. Creative web designers usually have a degree in graphic or media arts.

3. User Interface/Navigation Design

This type of design focuses on creating an easy-to-use and navigable interface for users, whether they're visiting your website for the first time or returning again and again. It involvesKnowing user behavior (what clicks people make on your website) and designing accordingly so that visitors have an enjoyable experience from start to finish. UI/navigation designers usually have a degree in computer science or engineering. 

4. E-Commerce Website Design 

If you run  an online store, then your website needs to be designed specifically for e-commerce purposes. This type of design includes features such as user registration and checkout, product descriptions and images, shipping information, and more. E-commerce websites can be expensive to build but can be very profitable in the long run.