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Oculus Quest Prescription Glasses Not Just For Kids

For children, the Oculus Quest has been an incredibly exciting new platform to explore. However, for parents who are concerned about their children's safety, there is now a way to keep them safe while they play. The Oculus Quest prescription glasses allow parents to set restrictions on what their children can and cannot see while playing. This gives parents peace of mind that their children are not viewing potentially harmful content without their permission. 

One of the most important aspects of VR is being able to interact with the virtual world as if it were truly real. Unfortunately, this comes with a cost: eye fatigue and even headaches have been known to occur when users spend too much time in VR. The Oculus Quest prescription glasses help mitigate this issue by restricting how much time users can spend in VR each day.

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What are Oculus Quest prescription lenses?

Oculus Quest prescription glasses are designed for adults and provide a sharp, immersive virtual reality experience. They come in two types: standard lens and ultra-high definition lens. Standard lenses offer a more comfortable experience while ultra-high-definition lenses provide a crisper image with less distortion. 

How to get prescription lenses for your Oculus Quest

If you're looking to get prescription lenses for your Oculus Quest, you'll need to visit an optometrist. The Oculus Quest doesn't have a built-in lens system like the Rift and Vive do, so you'll need to use an external lens system. You can buy prescription lenses for the Oculus Quest from online retailers or optometry offices.