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Motor Vehicle Accident Physiotherapy: What to Expect and How to Help the Injured

A motor vehicle accident is a very traumatic event, not just for the people involved in the accident, but also for their families and friends. The aftermath of an accident can be just as difficult, especially if there are injuries that need to be dealt with. If you have been in a motor vehicle accident in Edmonton  , you may be wondering what kind of physiotherapy treatments are available to you.

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Physiotherapy is the assessment and treatment of physical problems that may have arisen due to injury, disease, or even age-related issues. It can help to improve movement and function, as well as reduce pain.

shockwave therapy is a relatively new treatment option that is becoming increasingly popular for its effectiveness in treating a variety of conditions.

Physiotherapy can be extremely beneficial for those who have been in a motor vehicle accident. It can help to speed up the recovery process and get them back on their feet sooner. If you know someone who has been in an accident, encourage them to see a physiotherapist as soon as possible.

    The different types of physiotherapy

Manual therapy: This type of physiotherapy involves using hands-on techniques to manipulate the muscles and joints. 

Exercise therapy: Exercise is an important part of physiotherapy. Exercise can help to strengthen the muscles and improve flexibility. It can also help to improve balance and coordination.

Massage: Massage is a type of manual therapy that uses pressure and strokes to relax the muscles and release tension. 

Heat therapy: Heat therapy uses heat to relax the muscles and reduce pain. Heat therapy can be done with hot packs or heat lamps.

Cold therapy: Cold therapy uses cold to reduce swelling and numb pain. Cold therapy can be done with ice packs or cold compresses.