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Know Different Types of Flours and Their Uses

Brisbane organic

How many types of flour have you seen in the market? Let’s recall some common options – gluten-free, wholewheat, and wheat. You can try and buy any based on what you like to bake and eat. But if you are confused between the options, you should understand different varieties and know the differences before making a choice. Here’s where you will learn about considerable factors to make the right decision.

  • Baker’s Flour: Due to its high protein and fine texture, it is a perfect choice for bakers. With this, you can make soft bread, buns, muffins, cakes, flatbread, rolls, and pasta. It is known for its bread making and chewy qualities.
  • All-purpose Flour: If you want to have only one flour in your pantry, this is the right choice. It works well with several recipes such as baked goods, bread, and cookies.
  • Emmer Flour: The oldest flour available, it is also known as cereal crops. It absorbs more liquid as compared to all-purpose flour. Due to this reason, recipes using emmer flour may require some adjusting. It is popular in making slices, cakes, pizza bases, muffins, and rolls.
  • Wholewheat Flour: The flour includes the endosperm, wheat grain germ, and bran. All these ingredients give it a slightly coarser texture and darker colour, making it nutritious. It is the best flour for making cookies, muffins, scones, and bread.
  • Buckwheat Flour: The flour has high protein and a nutty flavour. Buckwheat flour absorbs huge moisture that’s why the batter may need extra liquid. Thus, you can adjust it accordingly. This flour is good for making cookies, crackers, noodles, and pancakes.

You can buy the best quality of desired flour types from an organic Brisbane store.