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How To Train Your Dog To Behave Better In Public

Behavior training can be effective when the dog has a history of bad behavior and must be switched to a new method. Behavior modification is more successful when the owner understands their pet’s biology, so that specific changes can be made.

Training your dog to behave better in public is a process that requires patience and consistency. Dogs are social animals, and they love spending time with people they know. Austin dog training experts help pets to be more friendly and active. However, some dogs can be difficult to train when it comes to behaving politely in public. 

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There are a few key things you need to keep in mind when training your dog:

Start small. If you want your dog to sit, for example, start by rewarding them with a treat when they sit down. Gradually increase the reward size as your dog becomes more obedient.

Use positive reinforcement. Most importantly, use positive reinforcement — praise, treats, etc. — whenever your dog behaves appropriately in public. This will help build their confidence and make them less likely to react aggressively or unpredictably around strangers.

Be consistent. You must remain consistent with your training throughout the process. If you give your dog mixed signals (by rewarding them one day and punishing them the next), their behavior will become confused and frustrating.

Be patient. Training a dog to behave better in public takes time and patience – but it’s worth it.