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Bunk Beds for Kids Need To Have Safe Stairs

Bunk beds for children are great for accommodating two children in one bedroom. They are just fun for the kids too. 

However, if you're not familiar with the steps you can take as a parent to keep your kids safe, even the best bunk beds for kids can cause accidents waiting to happen. When using beds for kids in your home, you want to make sure you're doing the right thing to keep your little (and big) little boy safe and sound all night long.

Twin-Over-Full Bunk Bed for Kids with Storage and Stair Loft, Neutral Grey : Home & Kitchen

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Always make sure that the child sleeping on it is older than six or seven years. Some company policies advise buyers that anyone using the upper floors must be at least six years old. Manufacturers always emphasize minimum age guidelines, and for good reason. Most incidents that occur in children's bunk beds involve children under the age of six falling from the top bunk. 

Trust the statistics and make sure that everyone who sleeps in a bunk bed can physically adjust to sleeping at this level. Even if you have a child who is fat enough to sleep on the two-story top tier, make sure that the two-story superframe has a safety rail and that the railing opening at the bottom of the bed is no more than 15 inches wide. 

The bed is at least two inches higher than the bunk bed mattress. Such extra protection adds the extra comfort of knowing that the child you are sleeping on in the top bunk bed is completely protected and safe.

Make sure your kids don't hang anything on either side of the bunk bed frame. You never want something that could wrap around a child's neck, arms, or legs and cause injury or strangulation, even if the child just got out of the top bunk and slid down the street.