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Types of Dried Magic Mushrooms In British Columbia

Dried magic mushrooms are a popular item for people looking to reduce anxiety. They work by stimulating serotonin production, which can help reduce anxiety symptoms. There are a few different types of dried magic mushrooms, so it's important to choose the right one for your needs.

If you want to find out about the different types of dried magic mushrooms, this is the blog section for you! Dried magic mushrooms come in many shapes and sizes, each with its own unique effects. Here are some of the most popular types:

Powdered magic mushrooms: These are the most common type of dried magic mushroom, and they’re usually sold in bulk. Powdered mushrooms are usually taken orally, either as a supplement or as an ingredient in a recipe. Powdered mushrooms have a stronger flavor than other types of dried mushrooms, so be aware that they may not be suitable if you’re looking for a subtle experience.

Crushed magic mushrooms: Crushed magic mushrooms are similar to powdered mushrooms, but they’re ground into a finer texture. They’re often used in cooking or as an ingredient in cocktails.

Fruit-flavored dried magic mushrooms: These are typically chewy and have a fruity flavor. They’re popular among those who want something light and refreshing after eating heavier meals.

Extracts: Extracts are concentrated versions of dried magic mushrooms that can be used in tea, tinctures, or capsules