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The Special Needs Of Trust

Recently during the presidential campaign, Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin sparked the national debate about the special needs of children because she had a very young son with Down syndrome. You can also get special needs trust in Arizona via online .

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Parents of special needs children must face serious financial issues that typical parents need to think about. Many children with special needs will need financial assistance throughout their lives.

Here are four issues that I think are the most important for parents to consider about children's special needs.

1. Trust or Conservatory

A child is considered an adult after a child reaches 18 years of age. As "legal" adults, children with special needs can make decisions that are dangerous to their well-being or can be used by immoral people. Some children may need guards or guardians to protect them. In Connecticut, guardians can be appointed for someone experiencing mental retardation.

Now it is much more difficult to appoint a tutor. It is important to have an attorney familiar with this new law who represents the parents of the child's special needs.

2. Letter of intent

Parents of children's special needs should take the time to write and regularly update the "letter intent" for the child. The "Letter of Intent" should include any information that indicates that prospective special needs caregivers should be known to the children if something happens to the parents.

3. Public benefits

Medical support and treatment can be very expensive for the special needs of children. Even wealthy families will need to consider Medicaid and social guarantees for children with special needs. The viability of public benefits can be protected with a well-designed "special belief."