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The Real Advantages Of VR Gaming

With more people staying and working at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, gaming has skyrocketed. In 2020 alone, we’ve seen new releases of Xbox, PlayStation, and games to play with. In addition to the usual gaming consoles that we have, Virtual Reality gaming has been on the rise too.

Virtual Reality (VR) games add a new immersive dimension and change the way we play games. There may be single or multiplayer games and different learning environments such as sports, auto racing, and research. 

Advantages of VR games over conventional games:

Immersive experience

VR games give you a first-person perspective on in-game action. You're not just sitting in front of your console, you're seeing and hearing the gaming environment as if you were actually there. You can also buy the best oculus rift s prescription lenses online to play VR games.

VR headsets such as the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and Lenovo Mirage Solo are some of the devices used for VR gaming. The handheld controller also offers a more realistic feel to the game.

Physically active

In VR games, you use your whole body to play. Instead of sitting in front of a screen, you interact with your whole body in a VR game. Games related to sports and adventure games are more fun to play.

They can hit, cut, or slide while playing with real physical activity. This is a great way to exercise and burn those calories while having fun. It is also a unique way for children to be physically active, especially in this day and age when we are confined outdoors due to the limitations of COVID-19.

More than games

VR gaming doesn't just stop at games. It pushes boundaries into many other areas and related technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR).

It has a variety of uses that range from education, workplace, medicine, e-commerce, communication, and more. This technology is also being developed for mobile devices to make it more portable and affordable.