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The New Era Of Business Directory

These days, internet marketing is available in versatile forms such as; search engine optimization, search engine marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, affiliate marketing and email marketing etc. 

The difference between search engine and business directory is poles apart. The search engine covers every area of life and profession, while the online portal brings the result in one page. The search engines are used for the purpose of news, blogging, and information on a versatile range and can be used by people from all walks of life. 

However, online marketing business directory is meant for only manufacturers, industrialists, exporters, importers, distributors and all affluent class people who want business leads.

Image source:-Google

The exporter guide is synonymous to B2B directories that offers a free list of exporters and importers. Many governmental policies have facilitated the new people to participate in international trade and commerce. 

That is why; during the past decades science and technology has moved far ahead creating a lot of revenue for the people and government. Previously, people used to rely on advertisements on television, radio, newspapers and yellow pages etc. However, the current scenario of marketing has touched apex owing to the presence of the internet.

The yellow pages are no more these days. The people who are well versed in the field of information technology started developing an online business portal which is really a boon to all sorts of businesses. Today, everyone can avail of the opportunities of the online business. 

There are a lot of transformations happening in the world of the internet. So it is the time to take advantage of the online business directory which can sustain all kinds of business in the world. So to speak, the online business exporter guide is a boon in disguise to the industrial world.