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Potty Training For Your New Puppy

Consistency and education will ensure a well-trained pet. Potty training your pup must begin at a very young age. Dogs at a very young age are taught by their mothers to never relieve themselves inside the den by removing their feces and urine without leaving any trace of it.

As puppies grow, they learn from their mothers how to use the outdoors. First of all, the diet should be followed regularly. Puppies are fed about 4 to 5 times a day, depending on their age. Their bladders are small, so urine and feces are expelled in a short amount of time.

You can also use a pooper scooper while potty training your dog. To know more about pooper scooper, you can also check out here.


Take your puppy outside regularly (every two hours) and mark certain areas as bathing areas. Don't rush the puppy when he's doing his job. Take your puppy to the same place every time he wants to break up. You can also use exercise pads and place them in the same place and encourage them to pee on them.

Observe and observe the behavior of the puppy. Watch for signs that your puppy needs to get out. These signs can include barking, scratching, or walking aimlessly. Once the job is done in the right place, reward your puppy with a treat.

Don't go any further and make sure the bathroom location is clean and smells good. If it's dirty, the puppy won't be able to associate it with a place to relax.