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Package Integrity Study How to Guarantee The Package is Qualified For Food Products

Modern packaging has the following basic functions:

• Containment

It must be the right size and shape, easy to use.

• Protection

It must provide an adequate barrier so the product can meet the desired shelf life.

You also have to have the adequate physical strength that can withstand any situation.

in transportation.

• Information

Material and product nutrition must be printed on the package.

• Marketing

Designed to have a special appearance to attract consumers.

To ensure the quality of the package, permeation test, tensile strength test, and impressions on the package must be tested in certain ways with appropriate testing instruments. If you want to know more about package leak testing then you may search online.

Labthink will give you the best solution to test the package.

About Labthink:

Focusing on R & D laboratory test instruments and IT laboratories and production services, Labthink is dedicated to providing professional quality control solutions for customers in the packaging, food, pharmaceutical, medical sector. , Daily Chemistry, Printing, Adhesive, Automotive, Petrochemicals, Life Sciences, Construction, New Energy and Other Industries.

Labthink is an international company based in Jinan, China, with branch administration, sales, and services in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Brussels, etc., covers more than 40 countries and regions.

Labthink, as a knowledge-based company, advocated scientific research and integrated production making with IT services. Labthink is dedicated to sharing excellent testing technology and advancing achievements with customers worldwide. Labthink instruments now operate in more than 5000 leading institutional laboratories and leading companies. IT Labthink service, with innovative online information management mode of Cloud Computing, actively promoting laboratory information trends.