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Make More Money Online by Adding Sorting and Filtering to Your Online Shop

A large online store that offers its customers hundreds of different items in its product range uses sorting and filtering functions so that shoppers can see only those products that fully fit the category or items associated with them.

It's so basic that you wonder why so many online stores are missing this feature. You can get the advantage of this filtering feature by using the product filter app by Vishion.

Here are some of the guidelines for setting up your website's sorting and filtering capabilities so that customers can buy from you "seamlessly":

1. Allow readers to tailor their search to product features of their choice by removing inappropriate ones.

For readers who want to pay attention to something, filtering out items that don't meet the reader's criteria will make it easier to find what they really want.

2. Use filters to convince readers to buy.

For customers who have not made their mind to buy, use filters to sell and influence buying decisions.

3. Offer readers the option to "sort by".

The "Sort By" option allows users to search product lists more efficiently and quickly depending on the features or criteria they selected and makes online shopping easier. Intuitive, fast, and easy-to-use websites always sell more and stay ahead of their competitors.