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Know More About Soft Serve Ice Cream Machines

America's fascination with soft-serve ice cream has been in the news for a long time, and this dessert is especially refreshing during hot summer days. If you're thinking of purchasing the soft serve machine for ice cream for your cafe, restaurant or buffet there are some crucial things to be aware of.

Soft serve can be described as a form of frozen dessert or ice cream like yogurt, custard, or sorbet, which isn't hard frozen but is instead made using air added to the mix of ice cream which increases its volume by 45 percent. 

The combination of higher temperatures (around 18o F) and more air give the ice cream a more creamy consistency and make it simple to serve. If you want to buy the best soft serve ice cream machine, then you can search the web.

ice cream maker

The quantity of air contained in soft-serve ice creams is referred to as overrun. Soft-serve products that have a 35% overrun include 35% air into the liquid mix when it is frozen, which means 1 gallon of cream mix yields 1.35 Gallons of soft-serve ice cream.

Machines for soft serve function effectively to cool and provide volume (volume) to specific liquid soft serve ice cream mixes. The machines run at about 18 degrees Fahrenheit, making sure the ice cream remains not just frozen but also at the right temperature for storage. 

Due to this, machines have to be operational both days and at night to ensure that there are no variations in the consistency of the ice cream or health code violations. To save money on utility costs be sure to choose models that are energy efficient that have the energy STAR(r) label.