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Introduction To IFS Workshop

This is a 20-hour beginning course to Internal Family Systems (IFS). Participants will be offered to this unusual non-pathological model and its systematic, experimental, therapeutic approach to ego states.

The key concepts of this model: the self, the part of the isolation that contains negative activities, feelings, and beliefs, and the protective part intended to prevent the alienation from reaching consciousness, conquering and dominating our perspective. You can find information regarding internal family systems workshops via

internal family systems

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Participants will learn to identify these conditions in their internal systems and use this model to guide clients towards integration and integrity through natural healing processes.

Extensive demonstrations and controlled training are offered to guide the process with colleagues in customer roles. A great deal of attention is paid to facilitating self-presence by encouraging the unit to complete and investigate the healing process by observing, picking up, and releasing extreme and wounded parts.

Value of Therapist and Client Attendance and greeting from all sections with acceptance and injustice is highlighted as essential to a healing environment. The participants were familiar with the Insight and Direct Access processing methods.

A presentation of the previous model will be of great use to anyone interested: This includes reading one of Richard Schwartz's books on IFS or working on Thomas Holmes passages. Apart from the significant experimental component, a didactic review is presented.