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How to Plan for a House Cleaning Professional?

If you clean the house yourself, you can wipe here and there, but never do all the work at once. You may not even know where to tell the housekeeper what to do. When building your list, think about weekly, monthly, and yearly. That way it will be organized by home cleaning services in Melbourne by 365cleaners.

Weekly items are items that get dirty after a week, regardless of whether you can see the poop or not. The bathroom is a room that needs to be cleaned every week, if not more. Toilets, sinks, showers, and mirrors must be cleaned and disinfected. 

The floor rug should be shaken and the floor itself swept and cleaned. Kitchens also need to be swept and cleaned, and any remaining floors, whether wood, linoleum, or carpet, must be wiped or vacuumed. Dust should be done weekly as long as you are okay with the house cleaners moving your belongings to the dust underneath.

Monthly items in your house should wash the windows. Also, you should ask the housekeeper to vacuum your tent or curtains with a special tool. When the special equipment is removed, you will also need to vacuum the sofa and under the cushions. Other monthly articles may include cleaning the refrigerator.

There will be jobs that can get bigger every year. Be sure to tell the hostess when to schedule her annual job. This can include things like cleaning the basement, organizing closets, and cleaning out closets. If you have a fireplace, it's best to clean it in late winter to keep all the dust out in the summer.