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How To Find The Best Crib Mattress For Your Baby

Your baby's safety is essential when it comes to choosing the right crib mattress. It is likely that you already know that you require a sturdy and smooth mattress for your baby but you may not be aware of how crucial it is to be sure that the substances included in the mattress are safe. You can also browse the online and get caravan mattresses for sale via

 caravan mattress for sale

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What materials should you Beware of?

Polyurethane Foam

Vinyl (PVC) even if it is labeled as Non-Toxic Vinyl or Phthalate-Free Vinyl

Phthalates and other chemical plasticizers

Chemical Fire Retardants

Latex or Wool due to Allergies

What to Look For in the Crib Mattress

Firm Flat Surface according to govt. standards demand that crib mattresses have an even, flat surface.

There are no Chemical Fire Retardants – Find a mattress that is in line with the standards for flames but does not contain chemicals that can cause a fire. There are alternatives that are natural like baking soda and silica, or organic wool. They are fire-resistant and safe substances. 

Waterproof And Dustproof: You'll require an environmentally friendly, non-toxic plastic cover that dust mites, as well as bed bugs, can't penetrate. The only material that is waterproof, which is the most non-toxic, non-degradable plastic suitable for use as a crib mattress cover is food grade lower density polyethylene.