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How to Create an Online Marketing Strategy

If you've ever wondered how to go about building an online marketing strategy, this post provides you with some clear guidelines on where to start, what to analyze, and how to drive customers to your website or your competitors. The first starting point for developing an online marketing strategy is to analyze the online market.

This process will also help you identify potential partners and partners who might be able to promote your product, as well as potential search terms you may need to acquire with a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaign. You can also navigate online to get information about the best marketing and lead generation services in Canberra.

Image Source: Google

Here are the main areas you need to research in depth on your marketing location:

Customer segment

You may think this is obvious, but you should consider each segment that consumes your product or service and understand purchasing behavior, buyer drivers, possible decision makers and online media channels.

An example of customer service segmentation for a business service company could be:

• Self-employed or freelance

• Single ownership

• Partnerships

• Limited company with less than 10 employees

• Limited company with more than 10 employees

Each of these companies, as mentioned, has a behavior, a leader, etc. Different. You may also want to think about how much this internet segment makes sense, lifestyle, demographics, etc.

List all the search engines that are relevant to your market. The most important ones are usually Google, Bing, and Yahoo. If you have a global business, you need to list the top search engines by region.