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How Is Soy Sauce Made?

China's Han dynasty, 206 BCE-220 CE, was the time when soy sauce was first created. After soybeans had been boiled, they were then added to wheat or barley and allowed to ferment. Finally, water and salt were added. 

Today, almost all people around the world use soy sauces in food items. You can also buy black soy sauce 19 to enhance the taste of the food. People used to often omit wheat and barley, making soy sauce a traditionally gluten-free product. 

Over the years, soy sauce production has evolved from a lengthy process that could take several months to a quick and efficient one that is ready in just a few days.

Depending on the recipe, the traditional method of making soy sauce can require multiple steps. It can take several days or even months to make. To begin fermentation, soybeans must first be softened by being cooked. Next, fungal and bacterial cultures are added. To give the beans a unique flavor, you may add roasted wheat or other grains.

The soybean culture mixture is combined with a salt solution, and left to "brew". The microorganisms convert the proteins and sugars found naturally in soybeans into many compounds that give rise to the complex flavor and color that is soy sauce.

The mixture is then pressed to extract the dark brown, flavorful liquid. The resulting solids can be used to feed animals. The extracted liquid is first pasteurized to remove harmful microorganisms and then filtered to reduce other debris.