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How best to understand the biomechanics of the foot?

The monthly livestream, PodChatLive that is the live show for Podiatrists for getting some totally free ongoing continuing learning has gotten on several notable and famous guests in the podiatry profession that generously as well as freely provide there time to answer questions and talk about their area of experience. The videos of the live chat are on YouTube as well as the website and the audio edition is on most podcast platforms. An early on guest in the livestreams was Dr. Kevin Kirby, DPM in which he described his seminal and popular paper on rotational equilibrium, his opinion of the tissue stress theory and also his thoughts and opinions on if any current familiarity with Root Theory is required to assess and properly take care of our clients. The inquiries produced some interesting chat throughout the stream about foot biomechanics .

Kevin Kirby graduated in 1983 with the California College of Podiatric Medicine after which carried out his required surgical residency in Palo Alto, California at the Veteran’s Administration Hospital. Then he put in his next post-graduate year undertaking the Fellowship in Podiatric Biomechanics at CCPM where he also received his masters degree.

Dr. Kirby has released or co-authored over 28 papers in professional publications, has written or co-authored five chapters in books, and also has published five books on foot and lower extremity biomechanics and foot orthoses treatment, all of which have now been translated into Spanish language editions. Kevin introduced the Subtalar Joint Axis Palpation Technique, the Anterior Axial Radiographic Projection, the Supination Resistance Test, the Maximum Pronation Test and the Medial Heel Skive and Lateral Heel Skive Techniques. He has additionally created and designed the Subtalar Joint Axis Location and Rotational Equilibrium Theory of Foot Function and has co-developed the Subtalar Joint Equilibrium and Tissue Stress Approach to Biomechanical Therapy of the Foot and Lower Extremity. Dr Kirby has spoken publicly internationally on lots of occasions and has additionally lectured substantially all around the USA.