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Get The Best Edible Mushrooms

Mushrooms are a delicious food. From mushroom chowder to risotto, pasta and vegetarian dishes, mushrooms are the perfect side dish, starter or main course for any meal.

Mushrooms can be grown at home and are also found in the wild. The taste is very diverse. From deep, fleshy, earthy field mushrooms to fine clumps and one of those spicy, slimy Chinese mushrooms. Mushrooms exposed to ultraviolet light contain the only natural vegan source of vitamin D.

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There are many types of edible mushrooms, but mushroom connoisseurs should be very careful when deciding whether to eat food collected in the wild, and it is advisable to use experienced mushroom hunters when looking for food.

If you don't like foraging in the wild, kits are available to help you grow your own mushrooms. and of course, you can buy them fresh, canned, or dried from grocery and vegetable stores.

Some of our favorites are:

Button Mushrooms – They can be fried or stewed with a cooked breakfast, cut into soups and sauces, and removed from soups. Buttons can also be tucked into a stroganoff and risotto sponge for added flavor.

Wild Mushrooms – These large, flat-faced mushrooms are thick and fleshy and can provide much-needed minerals for vegetarians. They are great when filled with cheese, rice or vegetables and served with a delicious side salad.

Cep – cep mushrooms are also called porcini mushrooms and are available fresh or dried. They are ideal for soups, sauces, and risotto. Rehydrated drained water is delicious and can be used as a liquid to allow the rice to boil and soak while cooking mushroom risotto.