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Enrich The World With Your Fashion Design

If you haven't already taken a course in fashion design, now is a good time to start. Even if you have a natural flair and a great eye for design, you will also need to have knowledge of the fashion industry and know how to produce garments that are not only creative but commercially viable as well.

You need to be up-to-date with today's marketing strategies and implement them so that you can show the world your designs. Consider social media marketing. To learn in detail about fashion designing in detail, visit

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Use an elevator pitch, it is a summary with which you can quickly tell somebody about your fashion design business. This summary should mention the unique aspects of your design talent in order to get and hold the listener's attention. Practice your elevator pitch so that you can deliver it confidently to whoever wants to listen.

Getting people in the fashion industry to know about you, means you need to be proactive. And networking is one way of being proactive. Visit as many events as humanly possible that are related to your field of expertise. 

Go to fashion shows, talk to other designers, visit shops and enquire about selling possibilities, hand out business cards, and use your elevator pitch.