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Different Types of Ceramic Window Tint for Your Car

Choosing the ceramic window tint for your car will add an elegant impression to any vehicle. It also protects you and your passengers from unwanted sun rays by lowering the overall interior temperature of your car. 

This coating protects your upholstery and car skin from fading and cracking in summer. Before you decide to add ceramic window tint to your car, you need to know what types are available. You can find the best ceramic window tint via

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ceramic window color film – The first type of color is painted window film. This type of window staining is done by applying a layer of dye next to the adhesive, then applying it to the glass. 

Depending on the shade, this force can block five to 50 percent of the light entering the car. Reduces fading of the sun, blocks unwanted glare from headlights and doesn’t reflect light. 

Ceramic foil – Ceramic film is still relatively new. This option consists of an adhesive layer and a top layer with a thin layer of ceramic in the middle and blocks 50 to 70 percent of light. 

The ceramic film layer blocks glare and UV rays and won’t fade over time. This allows radio signals to enter. It’s also great for blocking heat. Unfortunately, this is one of the most expensive options.

Metal foil – Metallic window shadows are made up of several layers that form metal to block UV rays and heat. You can even search online for more information about ceramic window tint.