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Certified Vehicle Safety Inspections

Vehicle inspection is the process of inspecting vehicles by a certified body approved by local or state authorities. The vehicle inspection includes inspection of various areas of the vehicle to ensure that the vehicle is environmentally friendly and safe to drive on the highway.

Inspection station staff also inspect vehicles for appropriate safety features such as horns, headlights, brake lights, and brakes. If one of these is malfunctioning or not functioning properly, the certified vehicle safety inspection will be marked and soon after that, the driver will have to inspect the vehicle.


Before a vehicle can pass inspection, it must pass all necessary safety tests and regulations, which can be laws in each state or uniform laws across the country. This test also includes an emission test. Emissions are that a vehicle emits from its exhaust pipes. If the emissions are too dangerous for the environment, the car will fail the inspection and will need to be inspected by a mechanic. The car then had to be checked again.

Vehicle inspections can be carried out once a year, every two years, and for new cars leaving the parking lot, an inspection is carried out four years after purchase. Not all states in the United States use vehicle inspections, and most states that use them have stopped using them. The United States government has left it up to each state to determine whether or not to inspect a vehicle, how often, and what testing and safety requirements are included in the inspection.