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Benefits Of Water Rights Mediator Over Judicial Proceedings

Water conflict is becoming more common around the globe. In most cases, however, the mechanisms and institutions needed to resolve disputes about water resources are inadequate or absent. 

Although competition over water is becoming more of a source of tension and conflict, history has shown that cooperation between different users can occur. Mediation is an alternative to conflict. Contact Boileau conflict solutions today for Water Rights Mediation, if you are involved in any water conflict situation.

Water Rights Mediator

Mediators working in peace processes to resolve water issues. The mediation of water conflicts is different from other conflicts. Peace mediators need to be aware of this in order to properly deal with water-related issues within complex peace processes. 

This guidance note is intended for peace mediators unfamiliar with water conflicts. This guidance note is intended for experts and mediators who have prior knowledge and experience in this area.

Mediation offers many more benefits than the judicial system:

*Mediation is usually much cheaper than litigation. 

*Mediation can often produce results faster than litigation which can take years to reach a final verdict.

* Mediation may be a solution to the particular needs of parties and society.

* Mediation can concentrate on the substantive issues at the root of the dispute. Courts tend to focus more on the procedural aspects.

* A mediator who has a background in water may be able to think through technical issues that most judges are not familiar with.

* Mediation can often preserve and enhance the relationships between disputants. The adversarial nature of the judicial process can damage the relationship between disputants.