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An Overview About Roof Windows And Skylights

Skylights are one of the quickest and easiest ways to make any room of your home lighter and brighter, adding an open and airy feeling. Ventilating skylights are excellent for kitchens or bathrooms. In addition to providing extra light, they also open. 

Velux skylights, roof windows & blinds in Perth can be operated by several means: controlled by temperature sensor, remote control, electric on/off wall switch, manual or motorized hand crank.

Fixed skylights are for additional light only. They’re great for attics, bonus rooms or anywhere you want extra illumination without entrance or exhaustion of air. Styles and sizes vary from domes to rectangles. Glass and acrylic or plastic skylights are available.

Tubular skylights are relatively new on the scene. The small size allows them to be used in spaces where full-sized skylights cannot. Hallways, bathrooms, even closets can accommodate a tubular skylight. They provide a lot of light in spite of their small size. 

The concept and installation process are basically the same as for a regular skylight, except they have an enclosed tunnel of reflective material to reflect the light. They are available in many sizes. The small ones are 10 to 12 inch diameter and the large ones are 24 inches.