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Things to Know Before Buying a Gas Mask

At one point or another, we all have seen the Military "Surplus" gas mask advertised online, in the catalog, or in the army / Navy retail stores. This mask is "surplus" for a reason. They’re either outdated and have been replaced by more effective models or they are defective. Many of the older surplus masks are famous for being incredibly difficult to deploy and also very ill-fitting even when strapped on correctly. 

You will never find a guarantee of performance on this domestic or import surplus mask. There is a reason for that too. Many of them also send filters that have also been expired for a long time. I will discuss it in the post later. The price of a surplus gas mask is enticing, I admit, but the risk is not worth the savings.  A good current gas mask that’s up to spec is going to cost at least $125, and more for many models. You can check out modern military grade gas mask on 

Not all gas masks are made the same

Shocker, right? There are certain criteria that you need to look for when buying a gas mask. First, make sure the mask and filter are rated for chemical blowing and riot control agents, designated by the CBA/RCA rating, and nuclear, biological, and chemical agents, carrying the NBC rating.

Some gas masks on the market are nothing more than glorified surgical masks. Although this may be sufficient for most biological threats, it is also important that the accompanying masks and filters that you buy are certified to protect against nuclear and chemical threats as well. Be sure to discuss this with any supplier before ordering. Third-party testing is preferred.