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Double Your Profits With Short Term Rentals

Investors are always looking to increase their rental revenue. New investors are seeking ways to enter the rental market. Entrepreneurs are searching for self-employed jobs to replace their unhappy jobs.

Furnished rentals have something for everyone:

You don't need to own a property to start to get your foot in the real estate market. You can rent out the spare bedroom or your parking space if your landlord allows it. If you're going away, you can also rent out your condo or couch to a student for a few nights. You could live rent-free or save money for your first short-term rentals in Bedford, Milton Keynes, Northampton, and Luton.

Short-Term Rentals

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Whether you are an investor or a property owner, it makes sense to take up more space and furnish it, then double the rent. Even though you might not be able to get twice the rent for a year lease, if you break it down into smaller rental periods, the rental income will almost double when compared to an unfurnished one-year lease.

You will want to make sure that your realtor is a part of all the above. A realtor can help you find the right properties for rentals as well as explain the specific laws applicable to each property. A lot of realtors are directly connected with investors, so they can be a great resource for investors who need help with their investment properties. Investors and you can also sell the property to another investor. The furnished rental agreement can be continued.